Mission Dolores Park Rehabilitation Plan Open House: Opportunity to Review...
On Wednesday, February 29th everyone in the Dolores Park community will have an opportunity to review the complete park rehabilitation plan and the proposed construction calendar. Please join us at...
View ArticleComplete Mission Dolores Park Rehabilitation Plans Enthusiastically Received...
At a Wednesday night Open House, the Dolores Park community gave the complete Mission Dolores Park Rehabilitation Plans two thumbs up–for accurately representing all the community’s decisionmaking and...
View ArticleHelen Diller Playground at Mission Dolores Park Now Open!
San Francisco Recreation and Park Department (RPD) announced today the grand opening of Helen Diller Playground in Mission Dolores Park. Mayor Ed Lee, Supervisor Scott Wiener, San Francisco Recreation...
View ArticleMission Dolores Park Project Progressing through Planning Department Reviews;...
The Mission Dolores Park Rehablitation and Improvement Plan is progressing through the Planning Department’s environmental review process. In addition, a peer review of the historical evaluation...
View ArticleDolores Park Rehabilitation and Improvement Project Open House Rescheduled
The Dolores Park Rehabilitation and Improvement Project Open House, previously scheduled for Thursday, September 27, has been rescheduled to a date to be announced later this fall. The Rehabilitation...
View ArticleDolores Park Project Open House Wed. Feb. 6, 5:30-7:30PM
In the last year, the Mission Dolores Park Rehabilitation Project has moved forward through environmental review and documentation. The project team is now ready to share the updated plans with you...
View ArticleLong-Awaited Dolores Park Redesign Plans Unveiled | Local: In The Mission |...
Long-Awaited Dolores Park Redesign Plans Unveiled | Local: In The Mission | an SFGate.com blog.
View ArticleCommunity Message at Open House: Happy Our Plan is Moving Forward, Please...
After nearly a year of environmental review, the community members attending the Mission Dolores Park Rehabilitation Project Open House were happy to see the design is moving forward with few changes....
View ArticleGreat news!
Today the Mission Dolores Improvement Project Plan received an approval of the environmental review document. The document, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was accepted and the project appeal...
View ArticleSF Chronicle: Dolores Park Renovation
By John Wildermuth (Photo via sfgate.com) The thousands of visitors who cover just about every inch of lawn at Dolores Park on sunny weekends will have to squeeze a little closer for the next 14...
View ArticleA New Era Begins at Dolores Park on March 1
Please join Supervisor Scott Wiener, San Francisco Recreation and Park Department GM Phil Ginsburg, Dolores Park Works and park advocates for a groundbreaking ceremony of world-famous Mission Dolores...
View ArticleNBC Bay Area: Half of Dolores Park Closes for Renovation
One of the most popular parks in the Bay Area is about to get a total makeover. By the end of the day Friday, the fences will be up and half of San Francisco’s wildly popular Dolores Park will be...
View ArticleCurbed SF: 5 Amazing Parks to Visit While Dolores is Under Construction
The weather is currently stunning, which usually would mean heading to Dolores Park for some picnicking and people-watching. But with big swathes of the park out of commission for construction and...
View ArticleMission Dolores Park Construction is Now Underway
Have you stopped by Dolores Park lately and wondered what all of the activity was? Here are a few pictures that show all of the top soil being removed, in order to replace the old irrigation and to...
View ArticleConstruction Check-In at Dolores Park
At this moment in the construction process, a lot of “ground work” is occurring, including laying down the drainage systems, trenching for utilities, and grading for the new paths and sports courts. In...
View ArticleConstruction Updates from Dolores Park
.A lot of great progress has happened at Dolores Park over the past couple of weeks. Here are a few sneak peeks of the site. Above photo is of the 19th Street promenade with new concrete paving. The...
View ArticleMission Dolores Park – Upcoming Construction Alert
The Mission Dolores Park contractor will start construction early this Thursday morning, July 10th. Alten Construction will be pouring the concrete foundation for the Operations & Maintenance...
View ArticleMission Dolores Park – The Mexican Liberty Bell Gets a New Home
Check out this great time lapse video of the Mexican Liberty Bell moving into its new home! While on the crane, the bell was weighed and came in at 15,000 pounds. The bell is an important part of the...
View ArticleMission Dolores Park – construction highlights
Wondering what’s happening at the park this week? Check out these great action shots of the tennis court walls coming alive & the Operations Building growing tall.
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