At this moment in the construction process, a lot of “ground work” is occurring, including laying down the drainage systems, trenching for utilities, and grading for the new paths and sports courts. In the next couple of weeks, you’ll start to see some exciting above-ground improvements.
A lot of concrete will be poured next week, including the new steps on the park-side of the bridge and the 19th Street promenade paving. Following those, the contractors will be relocating the Mexican Liberty Bell at the 19th Street plaza, and the north restroom and operations building walls will be poured. The park’s improvements will start to become increasingly obvious and these milestones will be the first time we’ll see some of the final “above ground” design elements and materials.
Summer is busy at Dolores Park – enjoy the park and all the special events that are happening this summer! Respect your neighbors and respect the park – remember to take your trash with you and follow the posted park rules. Get Out and Play!