The RPD/DPW project team has been hard at work selecting a designer to facilitate our upcoming community design meetings for Mission Dolores Park. Last week we interviewed three excellent local design teams and hope to have the selection results by the end of next week. We are so lucky to have such a depth of local design talent in San Francisco and we would be happy to work with any of the teams! I’m also planning to meet with Supervisor Wiener and his staff some time over the next couple weeks to be sure I’m aware of any recent conversation related to the park improvements.
We have updated the FAQ but I also wanted to present an updated schedule here. Design team selection has taken much longer than I anticipated. That has resulted in me reaching out to some of you in hopes of continuing to communicate during this relatively quiet period for the project. Expect this space to pick up significant steam over the next several months. While it will take some time to get the design team under contract, I am always available for questions and suggestions related to the park.
Revised Project Schedule
Phase Target Start Target Finish
Community Planning / Design April 2011 July 2011
Design Development August 2011 November 2011
Contract Documents December 2011 May 2012
Bid / Award June 2012 September 2012
Construction October 2012 January 2014
Closeout February 2014 April 2014