As we enter the crucial decision making phase of the Dolores Park Rehabilitation Project planning process, now is a great time to review the notes, materials and results of Workshops 1 and 2.
If you didn’t have a chance to participate in the earlier sessions, these materials will get you all caught up and ready to participate in the August 4th and August 25th sessions. Particularly interesting are the full results of the initial brainstorm with over 200 suggestions and the 12 different concept plans created by small groups at Workshop 2.
If you did attend the earlier sessions, these materials are still worth reviewing to remember all the ideas and perspectives that lead up to alternatives and draft plans to be considered in the coming sessions.
And as a reminder the third Dolores Park Rehabilitation Project community workshop will be held this Thursday, August 4th at 6:30PM at Everett Middle School, 450 Church St. between 16th and 17th. See the post below for more details.
If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas, please email Jake Gilchrist, the project manager, at or call Jake at 415-581-2561.
You can also submit your ideas using the project comment form, which is available at Just click on the “meeting materials” tab, download and fill out the comment form, and then email it to Jake at the address above.